Superintendents: Tina Decker, Jeremy Decker, Kody May
Entry Fee: $25.00
This is a competition to show how well the participants can control their ATV or UTV. Anyone with
an ATV or UTV may participate as long as they are 16 years or older. ATV’s/UTV’s are not provided.
More than one participant may use an ATV. It is a competition between participants, not ATV’s.
There are two Age Groups:
Novis-16-18: ATV or UTV up to 1000cc- cannot have Turbo
Open-19+: Turbos and Non Turbos up to 1000cc
Waivers must be signed in order to participate. A driver’s meeting and safety inspection will be held at 5pm before the competition.
RULES: Everyone competing and/or operating an ATV is required to wear a DOT helmet, eye protection (glasses, goggles, face shield), long-sleeved shirt, long pants and closed-toed shoes. Other protective gear is strongly recommended.
Please visit for official rules and to register for this event.
The contestant must start at a given point in a stopped position. The flag man will signal the contestant to begin and the contestant will move towards the far flag and retrieve it on the right side of the ATV/UTV The contestant will proceed to the opposite side of the arena, park the ATV/UTV, and contestant will get off the 4-wheeler, and place the flag in the designated spot. Time will end when the flag is placed in the bucket of sand. A ten-second time penalty will occur if the flag is retrieved from the left side of the 4-wheel and a 10-second time penalty will occur if the bucket of sand is tipped over while retrieving the flag.
The contestant must start at a given point. The flag man will signal the contestant to begin and the contestant will move through the barrels in a uniform pattern. If contestant breaks the pattern, they will be disqualified. A ten second penalty will occur for every barrel that is tipped over. Time will end when the contestant has completed the pattern and returned to the designated spot.
The contestant must start at a given point. The flag man will signal contestant to begin. The contestant will move through the poles in a uniform pattern. If the contestant breaks the pattern, they will be disqualified. A ten second penalty will occur for every pole that is tipped over. Time will end when the contestant has completed the pattern and returned to the designated spot.